
Mercury planet

Mercury is smallest planet in the solar planet and nearest to the sun.  It is fastest planet it complete their revolution in 88 day. A single year last only of 88 days.  When Mercury across through Sun and Earth we can see from telescope known as transit. Although the last transit of Mercury occurred only three year ago the next won't visible until 2032 and won't visible from North America.  The Mercury look like dull,grey blob in space but in closer it look iridescent blue with patch of sandy colour plain with strands from greyish white  The layer of Mercury made up of a solid silicate Crust and mental overlying a solid ,iron sulfide outer core layer and possibly a solid inner core. Temperature of mercury during the day is 430°C and at night the temperature of mercury is -180° Thus planet filled with craters,mountains and valley.


1)The light of Sun reach to Earth in 8min and 20sec  2)Every second the Sun send 10 time more neutrinos more than number of people on Earth  3)The present age of Sun is 4.603 billion year old.  4)Sun is hot ball of gas made of 91.0%hydrogen and 8.9%Helium.  5)We manly think or know that the colour of Sun is red,yellow and orange but it is illusion of our eye.The actual colour of Sun is White.It seem yellow because atmosphere give yellow colour.  Outside From Earth we precisely able see pure white colour of Sun  6)The temperature of Sun surface is 10000 Farenhie and 56000 Celsius.In center of where it reache of Sun 2700000 Farenhiet and 1500,000 Celsius. 7)Six ten-billion of gold on Sun that enough for Earth ocean and more.It has Just 8 atom of gold of trillion of atom of hydrogen. 8)The light of Sun take 8 min to reach Earth and it take 100,000 year to come out from core. 9)In Sun 1.3 million of Earth can fit.  10)We study that our plant take Rotation of Sun but through